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The Twelve: The Complete Series
TitreThe Twelve: The Complete Series
Libéré4 years 1 month 3 days ago
QualitéOpus 192 kHz
Durée46 min 07 seconds
Des pages180 Pages
Taille du fichier1,283 KB

The Twelve: The Complete Series

Catégorie: Dictionnaires, langues et encyclopédies, Informatique et Internet
Auteur: Alan Burnett
Éditeur: Jane Cabrera
Publié: 2017-10-21
Écrivain: Stephenie Meyer, Kes Gray
Langue: Japonais, Portugais, Grec, Serbe
Format: pdf, Livre audio
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mmmcrafts: Twelve Days Ornament Series - TWELVE DAYS ORNAMENT SERIES! On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to ornament patterns! Yay! #twelvedaysornaments . I've always loved the traditional Twelve Days of Christmas song, so I designed this series of hand sewn folk ornaments for each of the twelve days, based on the original carol from 1780*. It's a bit different than the modern version: The twelfth day of
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