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What is Life? (Canto Classics)
TitreWhat is Life? (Canto Classics)
QualitéSonic 192 kHz
Publié4 years 21 days ago
Taille1,219 KB
Durée53 min 28 seconds
Des pages190 Pages

What is Life? (Canto Classics)

Catégorie: Beaux livres, Actu, Politique et Société
Auteur: Kent Beck, Stephen J. Dubner
Éditeur: Sean Covey, Michael Ashby
Publié: 2017-08-22
Écrivain: Luis Sepulveda, Joshua Bloch
Langue: Espagnol, Bulgare, Turc
Format: epub, eBook Kindle
Opiniones de clientes: What is Life? (Canto Classics) - (Canto Classics) en Lea reseñas de productos sinceras e imparciales de nuestros usuarios. What Is Life? es el trabajo de divulgación más famoso de Erwin Schrödinger. Se trata de un libro corto, pero de valor incalculable, en el que el físico especula sobre algunas de
Canto Classics Series by George Gamow - Canto Classics draws from the most successful titles published by Cambridge over the past half-century and more, bringing them together in a newly-designed paperback series that offers the very best, most influential and most enjoyable books from the breadth of Cambridge publishing.
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Professor's book selected for Canto Classics series - Harvard Gazette - It was selected for the Canto Classics series, which features the most influential titles over the past half-century. With the inclusion, Bates joins intellects such as literary critic Lewis When I left Pomfret, I knew what I wanted to do with my life: to think hard, to work in Africa, to focus on politics."
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What is Life?: With Mind and Matter and Autobiographical - 'Nature and the Greeks' and 'Science and Humanism' (Canto Classics). Nobel laureate Erwin Schr dinger's What is Life? is one of the great science classics of the twentieth century. Brought together with these two classics are Schr dinger's autobiographical sketches, published and translated
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